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Head Lice Make Headlines

This section includes news articles that have been published about Lice Clinics of America locally and nationally.

Partners Leave Corporate Jobs to Bring New Lice Treatment Technology to West San Antonio, TX

Sales execs looking for more satisfying careers bring Lice Clinics of America and its “one and done” head lice solution to their community.

San Antonio, Texas

Head lice and nits infamously cause stress, disgust, and embarrassment for millions of parents whose kids get infested each year. Thanks to business partners Sheli Schomer and Tracy Copeland, parents in west San Antonio no longer have to worry about treating the bugs themselves with the opening of their new head lice treatment center, Lice Clinics of America.

Lice Clinics of America – San Antonio West provides screening, diagnosis and treatment options for people infested with head lice. The clinic is staffed by certified operators of the AirAllé device, an FDA-cleared medical device that kills head lice and lice eggs (nits) using controlled heated air.

“We were both dissatisfied with our current careers and wanted to be in a position to help people,” Sheli said. “We have both have experienced lice in our families, and we know the frustration and stress that head lice cause for families, and how the problem difficult to solve be with traditional products.”

“While researching business opportunities we discovered Lice Clinics of America and the AirAllé medical device,” Tracy said. “A ‘one and done’ solution that kills live lice and nits was very exciting, and so we are now owners of a Lice Clinics of America treatment center.”

The San Antonio West clinic is located at 6391 De Zavala Rd #222, in Merrill Plaza, and is open six days per week, by appointment. AirAllé treatments take a little more than an hour and come with a 30-day guarantee when all family members are treated or screened for head lice.

With more than 300 clinics in 34 countries, Lice Clinics of America ( is the largest network of professional head-lice-treatment centers in the world. Lice Clinics of America and AirAllé ( are brands owned by Larada Sciences, Inc., which is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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